How to Get the Most Out of Roadside Digital Signage
Digital Signage is becoming a standard for the roadside promotion of any brand’s product, service or solution promotion. You definitely have an eye-catching image to draw people’s attention to your signage, but the content on the billboard should be concise and clear. There are certain things that need to be considered for your roadside digital signage and they are: 1. Avoid using two different fonts in a single message to negate any confusion. Instead, it is advisable to use a single font with different sizes and weights. 2. Make sure to check the lighting conditions: How is your signage placed? Does it get the sun’s glare? If yes, then when? If it is during peak traffic hours, then make sure to enhance the font size, colour and contrast. 3. What’s next to or behind your signage? Any element like a tree, building or even an open sky might add a message from the point of the...